The Story

On Sunday, September 1, we kicked off The Story.

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Sundays at First Pres

Worship is central to our life together.  It is the way we deepen our connection to the God who loves us and is making all things new.  

But our worship is more than a holy huddle.  It is where we are reminded of who God is, Who is in charge, and who we are called to be - 

as representatives of the Kingdom which has come in and through Jesus.  Our worship settings are varied in location and style, 

but our focus is the same.  We pray, sing, listen, laugh, embrace silence and pay attention to what scripture tells us about truth, beauty and reality.  

We are then sent to live out those discoveries in our community and world. 

For more specifics about our services please see information below.


Traditional Worship Services

This service follows various elements of historic, Christian worship and has a more classical feel.  We sing hymns accompanied by organ or piano, as well as bells and orchestra on special occasions.  Our Worship Choir inspires us with special anthems and there is often special music, including musical offerings from our bell choir.  These services meet in our newly renovated Sanctuary.

Contemporary Worship Service

This service is more informal than our other two but still retains some traditional elements - Time for Confession and the Lord's Prayer.  Music is led by our Praise Band with guitars, vocals, keyboards, and drums.  We also include a special time for children to come up front for a brief message.  This service meets in the Multi-purpose Room.

Online Worship Service

We offer an online service that is available the Monday following Sunday services.  

Online Worship Service Link

Service Times

Sundays   8:30 am

Traditional Worship Service


Sundays   9:30 am

Contemporary Worship Service

Multi-Purpose Room

Sundays   11:00 am

Traditional Worship Service


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