Our SAM ministry exists to provide opportunities for fellowship, growth in faith, and service to others who are 50 years and older.
We have a team of volunteers who meet once a month to plan events throughout the year.
Senior Adults
Our SAM ministry exists to provide opportunities for fellowship, growth in faith, and service to others who are 50 years and older.
We have a team of volunteers who meet once a month to plan events throughout the year.
September through May on the second Monday of each month from 11:30 am – 1:15 pm, a potluck luncheon is offered in Fellowship Hall. Anyone is welcome to attend. A main dish is provided with guests bringing a dish to share. A speaker or entertainment is provided at each luncheon. Topics have included instrumental and vocal concerts, local businesses and organizations, special interest topics, travel series and more.
Game Days
On the second Friday of each month from 9:30 am - 11:30 am, a game day is offered in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone is welcome to attend. Various games will be provided and if the selected game is not your thing, other board games and card games will be available. Feel free to bring along your favorite game to share with the group. Snacks and drinks will be provided.
We offer 3-4 outings each year, sometimes more. They vary from a
performance at CMU to wine tours in Palisade, and always include a Christmas
Light tour each December. We try to find interesting and fun things to
do. Typically, we offer transportation through our bus or we carpool.
The past several years we have hosted three hikes in early spring. These are
easy hikes which are a great way to get to know others and enjoy God’s creation.
Book Club
We have a Women’s Book Club that meets the second Monday of each month at 1:30
pm in the church. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please
call the church office to get connected with the facilitator.
Growing Your Faith
To get involved with these study groups, please contact Charity Finnigsmier or the front office to get in touch with the facilitator.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:30 am in E11
Open to men and women.
Faith Circle
Women’s Bible Study meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:30 am. Faith Circle does not meet in the summer.
Peace Circle
Women's Bible Study meets the third Monday of each month at 1 pm. Peace Circle does not meet in the summer.
Men’s Groups
There are several men’s groups that meet that are intergenerational. Please
call the front office to be connected with a group.
Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study
Wednesdays from 9 am-11 am in the Youth Room and is
intergenerational. This group does not meet in the summer.
Service to Others
The church offers several opportunities to serve others. We encourage you to find opportunities to get involved and be the hands and feet of Christ. Check out the Missions page and Outreach page on our website to find opportunities to serve in our church or in the community.
Questions? Contact Charity Finnigsmier, Director of Senior Adult Ministry: SAM at (970) 420-9513 or sam@firstpresgj.org.
Upcoming Events
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...