children's ministry

Leading children to be rooted in Jesus, to grow in His love, and to branch out to serve others.

Children in Worship

Worship plays a vital role in the discipleship of our children. We feel that attending worship as a family is the best way for children to learn about worship and its many facets. We encourage children aged 5 and older to participate regularly in worship with their families. Please look for the children’s worship bulletins in the back of each worship space. 

Childcare During Worship

Infants, toddlers, and preschoolers through age 5 may go to the nursery in Room E8 at any time. The nursery is staffed by both volunteers and paid nursery assistants. We provide care for newborns through age 5 during the 9:30 and 11 am worship services. 



  • fireproof (5th  and 6th Graders)

    Join us Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:00 pm.  

    Dinner is provided from 6:00-6:30 pm followed by a time of games, fellowship, and studying God's Word together. 

    Please note: We will not meet on Wednesday, January 29th as our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held at that time.

  • GRACE place

    GRACE Place is our Sunday morning discipleship opportunity for children in 1st to 4th grade. Why is it called GRACE Place? G.R.A.C.E stands for “God Receives All Children Who Enter”. GRACE Place is offered Sunday mornings at 11 am in The Gathering Place September to May.

Upcoming childrens events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...