The Kingdom Assignment

There is deep happiness when we are found faithful with what’s been entrusted to us; a burst of joy that surfaces when we’re given ever-increasing opportunities to contribute to a cause bigger than ourselves. That’s not to say the ‘moment’ of being called upon isn’t daunting. When we’re called to step up there is that moment when we gulp, “Me?" 

Thank you to everyone who stepped up to do the Kingdom Assignment. The number of organizations that have been impacted by people learning about these organizations, by people volunteering with these organizations, and by people donating to these organizations has been amazing.

We will be continuing to talk about the Kingdom Assignment over the next few months and providing updates. As of September 1, the $4200 initially handed out on May 19th has grown to over $34,000, blessing the organizations that were identified by those doing the Kingdom Assignment.

The Kingdom Assignment helped us Branch Out to our county. Following are the ministries and organizations selected.

For further information about each Kingdom project, contact the church office.

  • Ariel Clinical Services
  • BeeHive Homes Assisted Living
  • Bookcliff Middle School – The Wardrobe
  • CASA for Mesa County
  • The Center for Children
  • The Christ Center - Suicide Prevention Andrew Marias Legacy Fund
  • Colorado Mesa University Foundation Scholarships for Single Parents
  • The Diaper Depot at First United Methodist Church
  • Eureka! Science Museum
  • Father to the Fatherless
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Central High School
  • Fruita Monument High School - Wildcat Wardrobe
  • Grand Junction Symphony Foundation Youth Scholarship Program
  • Hilltop’s Latimer House

  • Homeward Bound of the Grand Valley – Pathways Family Shelter
  • The House
  • The Joseph Center
  • Kids Aid
  • La Plaza
  • MarillacHealth
  • Mesa County Meals on Wheels
  • Mesa County Jail Ministry
  • Mesa County Right to Life
  • Monument Preschool at Redlands United Methodist Church
  • The Pregnancy Center of Grand Junction
  • Project 1.27
  • The Christ Center - Suicide Prevention Andrew Marias Legacy Fund
  • Young Life

what was The assignment?

On Sunday, May 19th, people were asked to volunteer - to step forward not knowing what they were volunteering for. From all three services we had a total of 42 people. In some cases teenagers came up with their parent(s). These volunteers were asked to put out their hand and then given $100 from our “Branching Out to Serve Others Fund.” They were then given a book, The Kingdom Assignment, and asked to read it. From there, they were asked to further God's Kingdom, reporting back after 90 days.